Is it just me or do at least 60% of the Friendster clientele misunderstand the concept of a "friend request"?
I have about 30+ friends requests as I type this blog. I'm still staring at these people's friendly (others cutie, others odd, others interesting, others nondescript) faces, and I realize... Mother of Christ! I do not know these people!
I don't intend to be mean or condescending or smug. But babies, boys and girls of all ages, I think a friend request was meant for those who are actually friends with each other. At the end of the day, I'd like to see who my friends' friends are...and I mean their *real* friends.
If you'd want me to be your friend (or "or more", as two or three of them boldly declared), I suggest you pick on my brains first. Let's exchange pleasantries (aka BS), get to know each other at least virtually (yeah, like cyber-introductions rock!), make me laugh (be original...I may have heard the joke before), and then let's consequently have dinner, coffee, movie, and sex (whoops...that belonged to a previous blog. Strike that out...or not).
What was that age-old adage again? Tell me who your friends are, and I'll tell you mine. NYEHEHEHEHE. ;-)
O sige, add me in Friendster:
I have only one reply to these people if I wanna know if they're really interested in knowing me, or if they just wanna add me to their profile collection: "Tell me something about yourself that's not in your profile."
what did you say again??? "...and then let's consequently have dinner, coffee, movie, and sex"
hmmm... interesting... hahahaha...
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