I searched almost frantically for my air cooler's remote control. I bought this months ago in an effort to save electricity. Supposedly, this air cooler would cut down my Meralco bill by a few hundreds because it quasi-replicates the effect of the airconditioning unit by cooling the air with its ice bucket and cold water receptacle feature. It even has a humidifier as well as an ionizer. It was perfect when we tested it in the appliance store, I almost bought two units. But when it was time to use it back in the condo, it was no different from my trusty old electric fans...except it had that ionizer thingee, and of course, a remote control for my lazy ass self. Talk about looking at the silver lining. Anyway...so found the remote control, turned it back on into full blast...but it wasn't doing anything for me. I was still hot...like a 40 year old virgin with hot flashes.
With sweat still flowing like water from a leaking faucet, I had no choice but to strain myself standing and walking to the airconditioner. Didn't bother with the timer--just switched it on again into Super Cool (wishing there was a Super Dooper Over Mega Blockbuster Ultra To the Maximum Cool option) and hit the sack back again. But I was still feeling like a 40 year old virgin with hot flashes.
So I am now in my birthday suit, in pitch black darkness (except for the occasional flashing headlights from cars downstairs and the faint city lights from a distance), and spread-eagled like the Vitruvian Man on crisp, pristine, and newly-laundered sheets. Can't get any better than this. Now my only fear is if there was a fire or if I died and rescuers had to see me buck naked and stiff (I mean...my dead body...not my boner, you dirty old rascal)...but that's another story. For now, I will just sleep like--literally--a baby...with not even diapers for drapery.
And since you're caught up with the title of this blog, you might as well listen to Maria Nyler's song. Click HERE to download the mp3 of Naked And Sacred (DJ Doboy Breakbeat Mix).
Now, if you'd excuse me, I still have about an hour before I'm supposed to be awake to get ready for work.