Advertisements came and went. Was half focusing on the TV and on my Adobe Acrobat document (Alcott's Little Women) when I caught an ad saying, "Sandara: Ang Pambansang Krung-krung ng Pilipinas" (or something like that).
Krung-krung? What the fuck???
I call it IRONY. (Well, that bit about TACT isn't counted. I just thought I'd include that second half of the forwarded message...)Frustration is when the same snow that covers the ski slopes makes the roads to them impassable. Tact is the art of making guests feel at home when that's exactly where you wish they were.
It's been a while since I wrote that testimony. Years later, I find myself realizing that I am getting old(er). Gone were the days when I'd actually take forever to just fix my hair, or tuck my shirt, or moisturize my face, or even mix-and-match my apparel...all because of trepidation over what people would think about how I looked (or worse, that they'd think I'm ugly). At 29 (*shivers*...OK, I'm still more than a month away from that...!), I have developed an attitude that says, "I don't care what you think about me. You don't pay my bills"...which I should have adopted years ago.Had the worst case of the pox at 20 years old. Got hideously ugly...and refused to go out without a cap, shades and pollution mask. Went through a case of near-death experience (which up to now, I have stubbornly rationalized as the glare of the friggin' overhead fluorescent lamps). Deserted a supposedly flourishing career in show biz...and lamented on it. Have wept gallons of tears in sheer desperation. Have cussed to no end for my terrible fate. And then have gotten hold of a bunch of Chickensoup for the Soul books. And finally moved on. Still a little bit ugly, but nevertheless cheerful.
I realized, yep. Maybe I am fashionista. Haha...Started to know Ben during freshman year at UP, when his sartorial taste was limited only to UP shirts and maong pants, with matching Mojos sandals as his footwear. Of course, the size of his wardrobe has grown substantially since then, marami nang nakahalong damit na may tatak that would require tongue calisthenics for most Pinoys to be able to pronounce. [end quote],