So, I'm corresblogging (that's my original. If you're even a little bit pert, you'd realize, it's corresponding-via-blogging. Hehehe) with my new bloggie friend Steph from Vegas. And as normal bloggie-friends do, they peruse each others rantings online (OK, I'm blabbering). So, this morning, as I was reading her blogs (which, incidentally, is freakishly like mine, only in a woman's version), I saw her version of 21 Questions...and more. So I said, what the hell. I'll steal it...and then ask her permission after I post it. Hehehehe.
So here it is.
1. how many people on your friends list are exes? oh god. are there any? hahaha. top o' mind thinking, six.
2. what is your favorite part of the chicken? breast and ass. go figure.
3. what's your favorite town? my hometown, bataan.
4. what's the first word that comes to your mind right now? deadlines tomorrow (OK, that's two words).
5. when's the last time you saw your mother in person? almost a month ago. damn, i gotta go home and visit!
6. what's the best insult you've ever heard? "your belly's gross, man." rub it in, will ya.
7. who got you to started with a blog? sheila. i got jealous of all the attention she was getting from fans. LOL
8. what are you having for dinner tonight? i dunno. prolly a salad.
9. how long have you been at your current job? counting the time before i left and then came back, i'd say 3.5 years.
10. is tom on your friends list? who the hell is tom?
11. what's the last thing you said out loud? i just got laid...whoohoo!
12. look to your left what do you see? my hamper, loads of dirty clothes in it. oh wait a minute...that's my RIGHT. my left? the wall and my diesel bag.
13. what are the last two things you spent over $100 on? my pda and gucci shades.
14. who's your favorite villain? my boss. HAHAHA. kidding, man! i know performance appraisal's not yet done. ;)
15. what's the last piece of clothes you borrowed from someone? a shirt from blair...for an unplanned sleepover.
16. what's the last piece of clothing you bought? sexy black and red underwears. nyehehehe.
17. what word makes you laugh no matter where, when or how many times you hear it? burnik. you tell me it ain't funny.
18. what website do you visit the most during the day? gmail.
19. go into your text message log on your phone...whats the 10th? a joke about a guy doing a census/survey. he asks the woman how many children she has, and she says "14". so the census guy asks her, "so many! don't you use condoms, pills, rhythm or withdrawal method?" and she replies, "no. just a dick." that cracked me up so bad i think my costochondritis came back.
20. who's the last person you texted? my bitching about my 2-weeks overdue shirts.
21. When you look at yourself in the mirror, what's the first thing you look at? my hair, teeth, and eyebags.
what...??? no more questions?????!